Landorus EX: Pokemon TCGO’s Newest Versus Reward

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Every three weeks the Pokemon Trading Card Game Online’s versus ladder resets. Whenever the ladder resets, the rewards for the ladder reset as well. For this ladder cycle the reward is a mighty Landorus EX card.

Landorus EX will be your reward for climbing the vs ladder.
A wild Landorus EX has appeared!

Harness the Power of Landorus EX

First of all, the Landorus EX card offers a lot of bang for your energy buck. With just a one energy investment, you have a 30 damage attack that punishes Pokemon on your opponent’s bench. Once you attach that third energy for Land’s Judgment, you will have already dished at least 60 damage! For reference most small basic Pokemon have around 60 hit points (HP) or less. So you can see how having an attack this consistent can wipe out an enemy’s bench fairly quickly.

When you build up that third energy you are able to use Land’s Judgment, a boost-able move that does 80 damage. You have the option to discard all the fighting energy attached to Landorus when you use Land’s Judgment. If you opt to discard the energy the attack gains 70 damage, for a total of 150 damage! This kind of power can one shot most none EX Pokemon, including stage 2 evolution Pokemon. If you are able to attach two energy a turn to Landorus EX you can potentially two shot most EX Pokemon!

In addition to the power Landorus EX brings to your deck, he also brings an impressive 180 HP bulk. That is a lot for a basic EX Pokemon! This extra bulk practically ensures that Landorus EX will last while on the field.

Potential Downsides

At first glance there does not appear to be too much downside to this card. Landorus EX does sport a high retreat cost at 3 energy. If you plan to use this card, make sure that you pack some Switch or Escape Rope. These are essential cards that will help you bail Landorus EX out in a pinch.

Another possible downside to Landorus EX is his weakness to water types. Greninja is a pretty popular card, and most forms of Greninja will be able to quickly dispatch of Landorus EX. Also since you will likely be using the boosted form of Land’s Judgment, it would be beneficial if you ran cards that helped you retrieve discarded energy. Once you find a way to attach two energy in one turn you can potentially chain use Land’s Judgment!

How do I get this card?

As of this writing Landorus EX is the end reward for each tier in the versus ladder. Whenever you win a vs match, you gain 10 points (15 if the opponent had advantage). The points you earn get accumulated into your versus point pool. Once this pool reaches a certain threshold, you will be given a reward. Rewards range from trainer tokes, loot chests, and event tickets, to uncommon cards and booster packs. If you accumulate enough points to reach the end of the tier, you will unlock Landorus EX. The tier point thresholds for are as follows:

  • Tier 1 – 210 Points
  • Tier 2 – 690 Points
  • Tier 3 – 2000 Points – Unlocks Holofoil Trainer Card

What do you think about the Landorus EX reward for this cycle? Will you be adding this card to your collection, or will you be leaving this card in the dust? Whatever your plan is, let me know in the comments below! I hope to meet some of you on the battlefield.

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