Death Must Die: How Many Gods Do You Get Per Run?

How many gods can you get per run in Death Must Die? Read this article to find out.
There are many gods to choose from in Death Must Die, but not all of them will accompany you per run. Each run only allows for a select number of gods to bestow their blessings.

How Many Gods Do You Get Per Run in Death Must Die?

In Death Must Die, everyone has their reasons for wanting to defeat Death. As part of your quest, many gods will bestow their blessings upon you. These blessings give you powerful abilities, and without them mere mortals would stand no chance. With that being said, not every god will join you on every run. In fact, you can only choose blessings from a select number of gods. After you reach that threshold, no new gods will offer blessings. Instead you’ll get new blessings and upgrades from the currently selected gods for the run. How many gods help you per run in Death Must Die?

Moirai (the Fates) are always available for every attempt, so you can always count on them. Outside of that, you can only enlist aid from three other gods in each attempt.

Choose Wisely

It’s important to plan ahead and try to get the three gods you want for your build. It’s one of the reasons why alterations are so important. If you use an alteration during level up, it will switch the god that is offering you blessings. This allows you to get a new set of blessings from a different god. Using alterations is an important strategy to fishing for gods and their blessings. Of course, as you gain more experience and talent points, you’ll learn to progress no matter what blessings the gods offer.

Still though, in the beginning, it can be helpful to stick to a few comfort picks. Or even as you get better, it can feel incredible stacking up gods for an OP build.

Using a combination of alterations and rerolls allows you to fish for some good offerings.
Use alterations in combination with rerolls to fish for some OP skills. Be warned though, sometimes with rerolls you will be offered the same skills.


To conclude, planning ahead or at least having an idea about a build is important to your success in Death Must Die. Since you can only select three additional gods outside of Moirai, you need to stack the odds in order to get the blessings you want. Luckily, boosting your alterations can help with this process. Try to find some good gear to help boost alterations, without sacrificing too many primary stats.

Good luck on all your future runs!

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