Death Must Die: What Are Alterations?
In order to clear runs consistently in Death Must Die, players are going to need to learn builds. Whether it’s their favorites, or builds they discovered online, you are going to need to learn about blessings and know which ones mesh well together. However, it may feel like you have no control over the blessings you receive when you level up. Well, that is true to an extent, but you actually have more control than you think. You can affect blessings with Alterations, Banishes, and Rerolls. One of the best ways to fish for blessings, is by using alterations. But what exactly are alterations in Death Must Die?
Whenever you level up in Death Must Die, you are given a choice between three blessings to take. But what if you don’t like the blessings offered? What if the god that is offering the blessings, doesn’t fit with your current build. That’s where alterations come in handy. When you use an alteration, you remove the blessings being offered and replace them with three new ones from a different god. This is different than rerolling blessings. Rerolling blessings will give you three blessings from the same god, and the blessings could even be the same ones you were previously offered.
So if you have a build in mind and cannot get the god you want to offer them, use alterations to fish for that god. Once you accept a blessing, that god will become part of your max allotment of gods for the run. Once you get all three gods, it should just be a matter of time beforeĀ you start getting the blessings you need. At that point, utilize rerolls and banishes to keep fishing!
As you can see, players have quite a bit of control over blessings. The game makes it quite easy to fish for the gods you want, and then to go deeper to get the exact blessings you want. Additionally, each hero has a talent in early in their talent trees that directly impact alterations, rerolls, or banishes. For greater control, you can select one of these talents. Although it may be more beneficial to rely on gear for those upgrades.
Good luck on your future runs!