First Prince of the Flowing Sands – Black Myth: Wukong

First Prince of the Flowing Sands

The First Prince of the Flowing Sands is a boss fight in Chapter 2 of Black Myth: Wukong. While this boss fight is not the most challenging in the game, it can still catch unaware players off guard. Thankfully, with a bit of patience you can manage this boss fight pretty well as most of his moves are very predictable.

If you back out of his range he has a far reaching overhead smash and a charge attack. Both of which are slow and easy to see coming. Time your dodge and get to the sides for some quick damage. If you can, try to stick at a mid distance and bait out a two claw sweep attack. This will put the First Prince of the Flowing Sands on his back, and allow you to get a good combo on him. However, be careful because he will wake up with a fairly quick smash, and follow up with a tail sweep. I got hit a lot by that tail sweep during my fight, cause it just could not nail the timing down.

You can see my attempt here:

One thing I did not do well, was make use of Cloud Step. The decoy would have given me a lot of space to move and get some excellent damage when after charges or the overhead smash. I have a very bad habit of saving my mana for Immobilize, and getting serious tunnel vision around that spell. Also, I kept trying to force Pillar Stance to work, even in dangerous situations. I know the game ramps up in difficulty, so I need to work on breaking these bad habits.

Final Thoughts

The First Prince of the Flowing Sands definitely feels like a mechanic check boss. He is meant to keep you on your toes and make sure you are paying attention, not just constantly pressing the attack. Try not to make my same mistakes, and force moves to work in unsafe situations. Make sure you remember to use ALL of your spells, and not focus on just one. With a bit of persistence and patience you will emerge victorious!

Victory screen after you beat First Prince of the Flowing Sands in Black Myth: Wukong
Glassed him, but not after he put the hands on me.

Have you been playing Black Myth: Wukong? If so, how did you fare against the First Prince? Good luck to you all, and I’m looking forward to what comes next!

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