New Gaming Blog for a New Year

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A new year brings new changes for us all. This year I decided to work on a resolution that had been on my lists for several years now. I have always wanted to create a new gaming blog, but never had the time nor tools to do so. With a little help from my friendly neighborhood fortune teller, I decided it was time to make the time. Thus, I proudly present to you my new gaming blog, Celxius Gaming!

How It All Started

The push I needed came when I attended my fiance’s office Christmas party. I fully enjoy mingling with strangers, especially when a host is gracious enough to provide a fully stocked bar.  After sampling some delicious cocktails, eating some delightful snacks and taking a turn on the mechanical bull (I lasted a full six seconds!), my fiance and I decided to have a tarot card reading. I was skeptical about having my fortune and future read. However I was feeling festive and decided to throw all caution to the wind and dive right in. The reader mostly told me things that I knew, or things that were slightly vague. One comment she made did radiate with me. She told me that I had a big career change planned, and that I needed to just do it. That was it.

It was something so simple that it alluded me all this time. Just do it. Nike has been yelling it in my face for decades. Jack Skellington himself noted that the answer was right in front of him, he had just been too close to see it. I had spent so much time worrying about having the time to make a change, that I never even thought to just begin making the change.

The next day I sat down and wrote out a plan. I made a YouTube channel, a Twitch channel, a Twitter page, and I did research about website hosting. I created a channel design and a brand color theme, streamed under my own name for the first time. When the creative dust settled and the smoke cleared, I discovered that I had created the beginnings of my gaming blog much quicker than I realized.

A Brand New Gaming Blog For You To Enjoy

Now we get to the heart of the article, what is Celxius gaming? Simply put, it is a project of mine to share my passion with the world. I love playing games. Some of my most cherished memories come from playing couch co-op with my best mates, in a strategic battle during a tabletop session, or from creating a story for my friends to experience. I want to share these experiences with you and hopefully create new experiences that you will all enjoy. Whether it’s live streaming video games, posting playthroughs and tips on YouTube or posting an article about what’s new in gaming, I hope you enjoy your time at Celxius Gaming.

I love hearing from new people and meeting new friends and welcome all forms of contact. If you enjoy the site, check out my YouTube and Twitter pages for more updates, and check out my Twitch page to join my live streams.